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植物多酚-葉綠素測量計——Dualex Scientific+

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更新時間:2023-06-29 09:19:47瀏覽次數(shù):1065次

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植物多酚-葉綠素測量計——Dualex Scientific+







NBI:氮平衡指數(shù) Chl/Flav 比值














測量光源:5 個 LED : 1 個紫外光,1 個綠光,1 個紅光和 2 個近紅外光(NIR)


用戶界面:LCD 液晶屏,蜂鳴器

位置精度:<2.5 m



主機一整套,已包含 GPS。




植物氮肥監(jiān)測 全新氮肥指標(biāo)-氮平衡指數(shù)NBI

氮平衡指數(shù)(NBI: Nitrogen Balance Index)是葉綠素(SFR)和類黃酮(FLAV)的比值:當(dāng)未發(fā)生氮肥脅迫時,植物生長健康,合成葉綠素較多,產(chǎn)生的多酚(類黃酮)較少;當(dāng)發(fā)生氮肥脅迫時,植物營養(yǎng)不平衡,產(chǎn)生的多酚(類黃酮)較多,生成葉綠素較少。傳統(tǒng)方法通過葉綠素判斷氮肥狀況,當(dāng)葉片葉綠素含量下降時(葉片變黃),說明植物缺失氮肥,在實際應(yīng)用中,該方法有一定的延遲效應(yīng),葉綠素下降時幾天甚至十幾天前氮肥缺失的表現(xiàn),即使此刻施肥,也會影響作物的最終產(chǎn)量。而通過測量NBI值來評估氮肥狀況時,避免傳統(tǒng)方法中的延遲效應(yīng),葉綠素和多酚(類黃酮)稍有變化,即可檢測出植物的氮肥狀況,及時快速進行氮肥管理。


產(chǎn)地:法國 Force-A


Cerovic ZG, Masdoumier G, Ghozlen NB, Latouche G(2012). A new optical leaf-clip meter for simultaneous non-destructive assessment of leaf chlorophyll and epidermal flavonoids. Physiologia Plantarum, 146, 251-260.

Bürling K, Cerovic ZG, Cornic G, Ducruet JM, Noga G, Hunsche M(2013). Fluorescence–based sensing of drought–induced stress in the vegetative phase of four contrasting wheat genotypes. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 89, 51–59. (Dx & Mx)

Cerovic ZG, Ben Ghozlen N, Milhade C, Obert M, Debuisson S, Le Moigne M(2015). Non-destructive diagnostic test for nitrogen nutrition of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) based on Dualex leaf-clip measurements in the field. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, 3669–3680. (Dx)

Tremblay N, Wang Z, Bélec C(2007). Evaluation of the Dualex for the assessment of corn nitrogen status. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 30(9):1355–1369. (Dx)

Latouche G, Bellow S, Poutaraud A, Meyer S, Cerovic ZG(2013). Influence of constitutive phenolic compounds on the response of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaves to infection by Plasmopara viticola. Planta. 237:351–361. (Mx)

Marek Wójtowicz, Andrzej Wójtowicz, Jan Piekarczyk(2016). Application of remote sensing methods in agriculture. Communications in Biometry and Crop Science, 11(1), 31–50.

Casa R, Castaldi F, Pascucci S, Pignatti S(2015). Chlorophyll estimation in field crops: an assessment of handheld leaf meters and spectral reflectance measurements. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 153(5), 876-890.

Tremblay N, Bélec C, Jenni S, Fortier E, Mellgren R(). The dualex-A new tool to determine nitrogen sufficiency in broccoli. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 824: International Symposium on Application of Precision Agriculture for Fruits and Vegetables. 10.17660/ActaHortic.2009.824.13.

Anna Dalla Marta, Valentina Di Stefano, Zoran G. Cerovic, Giovanni Agati, Simone Orlandini(2008). Solar radiation affects grapevine susceptibility to Plasmopara Viticola. Scientia Agricola, 65.

Martel AB, Qaderi MM(2016). Does salicylic acid mitigate the adverse effects of temperature and ultraviolet-B radiation on pea (Pisum sativum) plants? Environmental and Experimental Botany, 122,39-48.

María-ángeles Del-Castillo-Alonso, María P Diago, Laura Monforte, Javier Tardaguila, Javier Martínez-Abaigar, Encarnación Nú?ez-Olivera(2015). Effects of UV exclusion on the physiology and phenolic composition of leaves and berries of Vitis vinifera cv. Graciano. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95(2), 409-416.

Philipp R. Semenchuk, Bo Elberling, Cecilie Amtorp, Judith Winkler, Sabine Rumpf, Anders Michelsen, Elisabeth J. Cooper(2015). Deeper snow alters soil nutrient availability and leaf nutrient status in high Arctic tundra. Biogeochemistry, 124, 81-94.

Quemada, M., Gabriel JL, Zarco–Tejada P(2014). Airborne hyperspectral images and ground–level optical sensors as assessment tools for maize nitrogen fertilization. Remote Sensing, 6 (4), 2940–2962. (Dx & Mx)

Tremblay NA, Fallon E, Ziadi N(2011). Sensing of crop nitrogen status: Opportunities, tools, limitations, and supporting information requirements. Horttechnology, 21(3), 274–281. (Dx)

Jean-Pierre Goffart1, Marguerite Olivier, Marc Frankinet(2011). Crop nitrogen status assessment tools in a decision support system for nitrogen fertilization management of potato crops. Horttechnology, 21(3), 282–286. (Dx)

Nicolas Tremblay , Zhijie Wang, Carl Bélec(2009). Performance of dualex in spring wheat for crop nitrogen status assessment, yield prediction and estimation of soil nitrate content. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 33(1).

Zhang Y, Tremblay N, Zhu J(2012). A First Comparison of Multiplex® for the Assessment of Corn Nitrogen Status. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10(1), 1008–1016. (Mx)

Zhu J, Tremblay N, Liang Y(2011). A Corn Nitrogen Status Indicator Less Affected by Soil Water Content. Agronomy Journal, 103, 890–898. (Dx)

Zebarth BJ, Drury CF, Tremblay N, Cambouris AN(2009). Opportunities for improved fertilizer nitrogen management in production of arable crops in eastern Canada: A review. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 89(2): 113-132, 10.4141/CJSS07102.

Morales LO, Tegelberg R, Brosché M, Kein?nen M, Lindfors A, Aphalo PJ(2010). Effects of solar UV–A and UV–B radiation on gene expression and phenolic accumulation in Betula pendula leaves. Tree Physiology, 30, 923–934. (Dx)

Louis J, Meyer S, Maunoury–Danger F, Fresneau C, Meudec E, Cerovic ZG(2009). Seasonal changes in optically assessed epidermal phenolic compounds and chlorophyll contents in leaves of sessile oak (Quercus petraea): towards signatures of phenological stage. Functional Plant Biology, 36(8), 732–741. (Dx)

Ghozlen NB, Cerovic ZG, Germain C, Toutain S, Latouche G(2010). Non–destructive optical monitoring of grape maturation by proximal sensing. Sensors, 10(11), 10040–10068,  doi:10.3390/s101110040.

Morales LO, Tegelberg R, Brosche M, Lindfors A, Siipola S, Aphalo PJ(2011). Temporal variation in epidermal flavonoids due to altered solar UV radiation is moderated by the leaf position in Betula pendula. Physiologia Plantarum, 143(3), 261–270. (Dx)

Fan L, Fang C, Dubé C, Tremblay N, Khanizadeh S(2011). A non–destructive method to predict polyphenol content in strawberry. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 9 (2), 59–62. (Dx)

Confalonieri R, Paleari L, Movedi E, Pagani V, Orlando F, Foi M, Barbieri M, Pesenti M, Cairati O, La Sala MS, Besana R, Minoli S, Bellocchio E, Croci S, Mocchi S, Lampugnani F, Lubatti A, Quarteroni A, De Min D, Signorelli A, Ferri A, Ruggeri G, Locatelli S, Bertoglio M, Dominoni P, Bocchi S, Attilio Sacchi G, Acutis M (2015). Improving in vivo plant nitrogen content estimates from digital images: Trueness and precision of a new approach as compared to other methods and commercial devices. Biosystems Engineering, 135, 21–30. (Dx)

Martin Unterseher, Abu Bakar Siddique, Andreas Brachmann, Derek Per?oh(2016). Diversity and Composition of the Leaf Mycobiome of Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Are Affected by Local Habitat Conditions and Leaf Biochemistry. Plos one.

Demotes–Mainard S, Boumaza R, Meyer S, Cerovic ZG(2008). Indicators of nitrogen status for ornamental woody plants based on optical measurements of leaf epidermal polyphenol and chlorophyll contents. Scientia Horticulturae, 115(4), 377–385. (Dx)

Li JW, Zhang JX, Zhao Z, Lei XD, Xu XL, Lu XX, Weng DL, Gao Y, Cao LK(2013). Use of fluorescence–based sensors to determine the nitrogen status of paddy rice. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 1–10. doi:10.1017/S0021859612001025. (Dx & Mx)

VA?TAKAIT? V, VIR?IL? A, BRAZAITYT? A, SAMUOLIEN? G, SAMUOLIEN? G, SIRTAUTAS R, DUCHOVSKIS P(2015). The effect of UV-A supplement lighting on antioxidant properties of ocimum basilicum L. microgreens in greenhouse. Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Rural Development 2015, http://doi.org/10.15544/RD.2015.031.

Tiphaine Lefebvre, Annie Millery-Vigues, Christiane Gallet(2016). Does leaf optical absorbance reflect the polyphenol content of alpine plants along an elevational gradient? Alpine Botany, 126(2),177-185.

Michal ?troch, Zuzana Materová, Daniel Vrábl, Václav Karlicky, Ladislav ?igut, Jakub Nezval, Vladimír ?punda(2015). Protective effect of UV-A radiation during acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus to UV-B treatment. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 96, 90–96.

Jasmina Zdravkovi?, Milan Ugrinovi?, Milan Zdravkovi?, Slavi?a ?or?evi?, Sne?ana Pavlovi?, Dragana Jo?i?(2015). In vitro and in vivo effects of Pseudomonas spp. and Bacillus sp. on Fusarium acuminatum, Botrytis cinerea and Aspergillus niger infecting cucumber. Pestic. Phytomed. (Belgrade), 30(3), 169–178.

Abros’kin DP, Fuentes M, Garcia-Mina JM, Klyain OI, Senik SV, Volkov DS, Perminova IV, Kulikova NA(2016). The effect of humic acids and their complexes with iron on the functional status of plants grown under iron deficiency. Eurasian Soil Science, 49(10), 1099-1108.

Tremblay N, Bélec C(2006). Adapting nitrogen fertilization to unpredictable seasonal conditions with the least impact on the environment. HortTechnology, 16(3), 408–412 (Dx)

Mohd Hafiz Mohd Hazir, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff, Mohd Din Amiruddin(2012). Determination of oil palm fresh fruit bunch ripeness—Based on flavonoids and anthocyanin content. Industrial Crops and Products, 36(1), 466–475.

Andrea E. Berardi, Peter D. Fields, Jessica L. Abbate, Douglas R. Taylor(2016). Elevational divergence and clinal variation in floral color and leaf chemistry in Silene vulgaris. American Journal of Botany, 103(8), 1508-1523.

Francisco M. Padilla, M. Teresa Pe?a-Fleitas, Marisa Gallardo, Rodney B. Thompson(2014). Evaluation of optical sensor measurements of canopy reflectance and of leaf flavonols and chlorophyll contents to assess crop nitrogen status of muskmelon. European Journal of Agronomy, 58, 39–52.

Christopher Parry, J. Mark Blonquist Jr., Bruce Bugbee(2014). In situ measurement of leaf chlorophyll concentration: analysis of the optical/absolute relationship. Plant, Cell & Environment, 37(11), 2508-2520.

Luc P. R. Bidel, Guillaume Chomicki, Fabien Bonini, Laurence Mondolot, Julien Soulé, Marc Coumans, Philippe La Fisca, Yves Baissac, Virginie Petit, Alain Loiseau, Zoran G. Cerovic, Kevin S. Gould, Christian Jay-Allemand(2015). Dynamics of flavonol accumulation in leaf tissues under different UV-B regimes in Centella asiatica (Apiaceae). Planta, 242(3), 545-559.

Constance Laureau, Sylvie Meyer, Xavier Baudin, Christophe Huignard, Peter Streb(2015). In vivo epidermal UV-A absorbance is induced by sunlight and protects Soldanella alpina leaves from photoinhibition. Functional Plant Biology, 42(7), 599-608.

Jose A. Ramírez-Valiente, Kari Koehler, Jeannine Cavender-Bares(2015). Climatic origins predict variation in photoprotective leaf pigments in response to drought and low temperatures in live oaks (Quercus series Virentes). Tree Physiology, 1-14.

Pfündel EE, Ben Ghozlen N, Meyer S, Cerovic ZG(2007). Investigating UV screening in leaves by two different types of portable UV fluorometers reveals in vivo screening by anthocyanins and carotenoids. Photosynthesis Research, 93(1), 205–221. (Dx)

Agati G, D'Onofrio C, Ducci E, Cuzzola A, Remorini D, Tuccio L, Lazzini F, Mattii G(2013). Potential of a Multiparametric Optical Sensor for Determining in Situ the Maturity Components of Red and White Vitis vinifera Wine Grapes. J Agric Food Chem. (Mx)

Fran?ois Pellissier(2013). Early physiological responses of Abies alba and Rubus fruticosus to ungulate herbivory. Plant Ecology, 214(1), 127-138.

Mingwei Yuan, John J. Couture, Philip A. Townsend, Matthew D. Ruark, William L. Bland(2016). Spectroscopic Determination of Leaf Nitrogen Concentration and Mass Per Area in Sweet Corn and Snap Bean. 108(6), 2519-2526.

Daniele Massa, Luca Incrocci, Alberto Pardossi(2015). Concimazione di precisione nelle colture ortoflorovivaistiche. Italus Hortus, 22(2), 9-22.

Ben Abdallah F, Goffart JP(2012). Potential indicators based on leaf flavonoids content for the evaluation of potato crop nitrogen status. 11th ICPA Indianapolis Mi USA, 1–18. (Mx)

Anna M. Hoffmann, Georg Noga, Mauricio Hunsche(2016). Alternating high and low intensity of blue light affects PSII photochemistry and raises the contents of carotenoids and anthocyanins in pepper leaves. Plant Growth Regulation, 79(3), 275-285.

Anna M. Hoffmann , Georg Noga, Mauricio Hunsche(2015). High blue light improves acclimation and photosynthetic recovery of pepper plants exposed to UV stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 109, 254-263.

Salvatore F. DI GENNARO, Enrico BATTISTON, Stefano DI MARCO, Osvaldo FACINI, Alessandro MATESE, Marco NOCENTINI, Alberto PALLIOTTI, Laura MUGNAI(2016). Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based remote sensing to monitor grapevine leaf stripe disease within a vineyard affected by esca complex. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 55(2), 262-275.

Ewa Sobieszczuk-Nowicka, Szymon Kubala, Agnieszka Zmienko, Arleta Ma?ecka, Jolanta Legocka(2016). From accumulation to degradation: reprogramming polyamine metabolism facilitates dark-induced senescence in barley leaf cells. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6, 1-14.

Agati G, Cerovic ZG, Pinelli P, Tattini M(2010). Light–induced accumulation of ortho–dihydroxylated flavonoids as non–destructively monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence excitation techniques. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 73, 3-9. (Mx)

Petra Rajsnerová, Karel Klem, Petr Holub, Katerˇina Novotná, Kristyna Vecˇerˇová, Michaela Kozácˇiková, Albert Rivas-Ubach, Jordi Sardans, Michal V. Marek, Josep Pe?uelas, Otmar Urban(2015). Morphological, biochemical and physiological traits of upper and lower canopy leaves of European beech tend to converge with increasing altitude. Tree Physiology, 1-14.

Huang LS, Zhang DY, Liang D, Yuan L, Zhao JL, Hu GS, Du SZ, Xu XG(2013). Continuous wavelet analysis for diagnosing stress characteristics of leaf powdery mildew. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 15, 34?40.

Angélique Gilson, Laure Barthes, Nicolas Delpierre, éric Dufrêne, Chantal Fresneau, Stéphane Bazot(2014). Seasonal changes in carbon and nitrogen compound concentrations in a Quercus petraea chronosequence. 34(7),716-729.

Kristyna Ve?e?ová, Zbyněk Ve?e?a, Bohumil Do?ekal, Michal Oravec, Antonio Pompeiano, Jan T?íska, Otmar Urban(2016). Changes of primary and secondary metabolites in barley plants exposed to CdO nanoparticles. Environmental Pollution, 218,207-218.

Sankaran S, Ehsani R(2013). Detection of Huanglongbing disease in citrus using fluorescence spectroscopy. Transactions of the ASABE, 55(1), 313-320.

Theoharis Ouzounis, Xavier Fretté, Eva Rosenqvist, Carl-Otto Ottosen(2014). Spectral effects of supplementary lighting on the secondary metabolites in roses, chrysanthemums, and campanulas. Journal of Plant Physiology, 171(16), 1491-1499.

Giorgio Gianquinto, Francesco Orsini, Paolo Sambo(2006). The use of diagnostic optical tools to assess the N status and to guide fertilization of vegetables.

Martina Pollastrini, Valentina Di Stefano, Marco Ferretti, Giovanni Agati, Daniele Grifoni, Gaetano Zipoli, Simone Orlandini, Filippo Bussotti(2011). Influence of different light intensity regimes on leaf features of Vitis vinifera L. in ultraviolet radiation filtered condition. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 73, 108-115.












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