模擬示波器 hp1722b
275mhz/10mv/1ns/雙蹤 雙掃
體積: 28×18×48 cm
重量: 12 kg
廠家: 美國惠普
性能: 詳細(xì)參數(shù)(pdf文件) [看pdf需安裝軟件adobe reader]
the 1722b oscilloscope is a 275mhz oscilloscope with 1 ns/div sweep speed, a built-in microprocessor, and a five function led display for precise real-time measurements. in addition to the conventional volts versus time crt display, the 1722b gives you a direct readout of delta time, frequency, dc voltage, instantaneous waveform voltage, and percent amplitude.
1-2. the hewlett-packard model 1722b oscilloscopeis a general-purpose, wide-band oscilloscope designedfor bench or field service. it provides accurate mea-surements of high-frequency signals and fast rise timepulses with 10-mv/div vertical deflection capabilityover the full 275 mhz bandwidth. input impedances ofeither 50 ohms or 1 megohm permits impedancese-lection that best meets measurement application.its low shunt capacitance of less than 11 pf reducesphase shift and signal loss in pulse or cw measure-ments.
1-3. in addition, the 1722b can make both voltageand time measurements withqut having to use the crtfor quantitative measurements. instead, the crtbecomes a null indicator and all pertinent data can beobtained from the led (light-emitting diod& readout.
1-4. this manual contains installation and operatinginstructions, as well as maintenance information forthe 1722b. instrument specification and proceduresfor verifying proper operation are included. pro-cedures are also included for adjusting the instru-ment to its performance specifications. schematicdiagrams, the theory of operation, and troubleshootinginformation are provided for use in maintaining theinstrument.
1-5. this section of the manual contains performance. specifications for the 1722b and a list of available options. it also lists accessories that are available.instrument and manual identification information arealso included.