模擬示波器 PM3265
體積: 31×15×50 cm
重量: 10 kg
廠家: 飛利浦 PHILIPS
The PM 3265 Portable multiplier oscilloscope enables the measurement of signals at a high sensitivity (5 mV/DlV) over a large bandwidth (150 MHz). The oscilloscope is prpvided with many thin-film circuits which guarantee a very stable operation and reduce the number of adjusting points.
There is a wide choice of display possibilities, such as one\channel, two channels alternay or chopped, two channels added or multiplied, with normal and inverted positions for both input signals, and a main and delayed time-base.
The PM 3265 oscilloscope features a tapless power supply with low dissipation. This power supply works on any a.c. voltage between 90 V and 264 V and d.c. voltages between 125 and 264 V, thus obviating the need of adjusting the instrument to the local mains voltage.
All these features make the oscilloscope suitable for a wide variety of applications.
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