本公司6月17號09點19分報道: HBTCY-02型陶瓷磚平整度、直角度、邊直度綜合測定儀選購指南
HBTCY-02型陶瓷磚平整度、直角度、邊直度綜合測定儀適用于測定各種墻面磚、地面磚尺寸及形狀特性之儀器,其所測參數(shù)包括面磚的邊直度、直角度、平整度(中心彎曲度、邊彎曲度、翹曲度)等幾項指標。本產(chǎn)品符合:GB/T3810.2 ,ISO?10545-2 《陶瓷磚-尺寸和表面質(zhì)量的檢驗》的要求。
Brief introduction of hbtcy-02 ceramic tile flatness, right angle and edge straightness comprehensive tester:
Hbtcy-02 comprehensive measuring instrument for flatness, right angle and edge straightness of ceramic brick is suitable for measuring the size and shape characteristics of wall tiles and floor tiles. The parameters measured include the edge straightness, right angle, flatness (central bending, side bending, warping degree) and other indexes of the tiles. This product meets the requirements of GB / t3810.2, ISO? 10545-2 "ceramic tiles - Inspection of dimensions and surface quality".

2、測量范圍: 300×300~800×800mm,300×300~1000×1000mm(用戶選配)
Testing steps of hbtcy-02 ceramic tile flatness, squareness and edge straightness comprehensive tester:
10 whole bricks of each type are tested.
1. Detection of edge straightness and right angle:
When the brick is placed on the three supporting pins of the instrument, make the locating pin close to the side to be measured, and the distance from each corner of the measuring side is 5mm. The measuring rod of the side straight measuring meter shall be adjusted to the center of the side to be measured; the measuring rod of the right angle measuring meter shall be 5mm away from the measuring side.Put the appropriate standard plate on the measuring position of the instrument accurately, and adjust the reading of the gauge to the appropriate initial value.
Take out the standard plate, place the front face of the brick on the positioning pin of the instrument properly, record the meter readings at the center of the edge and 5mm away from the angle respectively, if it is a square brick, rotate the brick sample, and get the measured values for 4 times. Repeat the above steps for each brick. If it is a rectangular brick, measure the straightness and right angle of the long side and the wide side respectively. The measurement accuracy is 0.1 mm.
2. Flatness detection:
Put the corresponding standard plate on three supporting pins accurately, the distance between the center of each supporting pin and the brick edge is 10 mm, the lever contact of the center bending gauge seat should be in the center of the brick, and the lever contact of the warping gauge seat should be 10 mm away from the brick edge, and adjust the readings of the bending and warping gauges to the appropriate initial value.
Take out the standard board, put the glaze or appropriate face of the brick down on the instrument, and record the reading of each meter. If it is a square brick, four measurements are obtained for each sample, and the above steps are repeated for each brick. The measurement accuracy is 0.1 mm.

Main products: geotechnical testing instrument, waterproof material testing instrument, ceramic brick testing instrument, water conservancy and hydropower coarse-grained soil series, asphalt testing instrument
更新時間:2023/2/21 15:43:38