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LH 15/12 LH 15/13 LH 15/14 LF 15/13 LF 15/14 Laboratory Chamber Furnaces with Brick Insulation LH or Fibre Insulation LF

  • 型號LH15/12LH1
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新時間2023-04-17
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 入駐年限1
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量1258
  • 人氣值2796

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Laboratory Chamber Furnaces with Brick Insulation LH or Fibre Insulation LF
Laboratory Chamber Furnaces with Brick Insulation LH or Fibre Insulation LF 產品詳情

德國Nabertherm高溫爐 > 玻璃Laboratory Chamber Furnaces with Brick Insulation LH or
Fibre Insulation LF LH 15/12 LH 15/13 LH 15/14 LF 15/13 LF 15/14

Laboratory Chamber Furnaces with Brick Insulation LH or Fibre Insulation LF
LH 60/12 with scale to measure weight reduction during annealing LF 120/12 with fibre insulation

LH 120/12S with quartz glass retort

Interior of low heat storage fibre material for fast cooling times in LF models

Cooling fan connected to automatic vent flap for shorter cooling time

LH 15/12 - LF 120/14

The LH 15/12 - LF 120/14 laboratory furnaces have been trusted for many years as professional
chamber furnaces for the laboratory. These furnaces are available with either a robust insulation
of light refractory bricks (LH models) or with a combination insulation of refractory bricks in the
corners and low heat storage, quickly cooling fibre material (LF models). With extensive additional
equipment these models can be optimally adapted to the intended purpose.

  • Tmax 1200 °C, 1300 °C, or 1400 °C
  • 5-sided heating for very good temperature uniformity
  • Heating elements on support tubes ensure free heat radiation and a long service life
  • Protection of floor heating and flat stacking surface provided by embedded SiC plate in the floor
  • LH models: multilayered, fibre-free insulation of light refractory bricks and special backup insulation
  • LF models: high-quality fibre insulation with corner bricks for shorter heating and cooling times
  • Door with brick-on-brick seal, hand fitted
  • Short heating times due to high installed power
  • Side vent with bypass connection for exhaust pipe
  • Self-supporting arch for high stability and greatest possible protection against dust
  • Quick lock on door
  • Freely adjustable air slide intake in furnace floor
  • Stand included

Additional equipment

  • Parallel swinging door, pivots away from operator, for opening when hot
  • Lift door with electro-mechanic linear drive
  • Separate wall-mounting or floor standing cabinet for switchgear
  • Automatic vent flap
  • Cooling fan for shorter cycle times
  • Protective gas connector, sealed casing
  • Retort made of quartz glass for very clean atmosphere, quartz glass covered door with lid function
  • Manual or automatic gas supply system
  • Scale to measure weight reduction during annealing
Model Tmax Inner dimensions in mm Volume Outer dimensions in mm Supply Electrical Weight
°C w d h in L W D H power/kW connection* in kg
LH 15/12 1200 250 250 250 15 570 790 1170 5,0 3-phase¹ 150
LH 30/12 1200 320 320 320 30 640 860 1240 7,0 3-phase¹ 170
LH 60/12 1200 400 400 400 60 720 1010 1320 8,0 3-phase 260
LH 120/12 1200 500 500 500 120 820 1110 1420 12,0 3-phase 340
LH 15/13 1300 250 250 250 15 570 790 1170 7,0 3-phase¹ 150
LH 30/13 1300 320 320 320 30 640 860 1240 8,0 3-phase¹ 170
LH 60/13 1300 400 400 400 60 720 1010 1320 11,0 3-phase 260
LH 120/13 1300 500 500 500 120 820 1110 1420 15,0 3-phase 340
LH 15/14 1400 250 250 250 15 570 790 1170 8,0 3-phase¹ 150
LH 30/14 1400 320 320 320 30 640 860 1240 10,0 3-phase¹ 170
LH 60/14 1400 400 400 400 60 720 1010 1320 12,0 3-phase 260
LH 120/14 1400 500 500 500 120 820 1110 1420 18,0 3-phase 340
Model Tmax Inner dimensions in mm Volume Outer dimensions in mm Supply Electrical Weight
°C w d h in L W D H power/kW connection* in kg
LF 15/13 1300 250 250 250 15 570 790 1170 7,0 3-phase¹ 130
LF 30/13 1300 320 320 320 30 640 860 1240 8,0 3-phase¹ 150
LF 60/13 1300 400 400 400 60 720 1010 1320 11,0 3-phase 230
LF 120/13 1300 500 500 500 120 820 1110 1420 15,0 3-phase 300
LF 15/14 1400 250 250 250 15 570 790 1170 8,0 3-phase¹ 130
LF 30/14 1400 320 320 320 30 640 860 1240 10,0 3-phase¹ 150
LF 60/14 1400 400 400 400 60 720 1010 1320 12,0 3-phase 230
LF 120/14 1400 500 500 500 120 820 1110 1420 18,0 3-phase 300
¹Heating only between two phases *Please see page 42 for information on mains voltage

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