德國Nabertherm高溫爐 > 玻璃S 4100/65AS S 5120/GS1
S 4100/65AS according to individual customer specifications | S 5120/GS1 with individual custom dimensions, furnace chamber divided in two sections, split cover |
Furnace chamber S 5120/GS with receptacle for an insulating plate in order to devide the furnace chamber
Top-loading furnace with useful volume of 14500 litres for tempering of quartz glass at working temperatures of 1100 °C
Our top-loading furnaces are perfectly suited for cooling and tempering long, heavy objects of glass and
quartz glass. Charging is mostly carried out with the help of an overhead crane. Heating from all sides and
from the bottom provides for an excellent temperature uniformity. Tailor-made dimensions are designed
and manufactured in accordance with the size and weight of components.
- Tmax 900 °C, 1280 °C, 1340 °C or 1400 °C
- Five-side heating from the sides and the bottom
- Heating elements on supporting tubes provide for long service life
- SiC-bottom plates provide for level stack charging surface
- Bottom heating protected by SiC plates
- Multiple layer insulation with lightweight refractory bricks and special backing isolation
- Lid insulation consists of fiber material with a special fastening
- Electrohydraulic opening system of the lid with two-hand operation
- Closable air supply vents in the lower area of the furnace chamber
- Closable exhaust air vents in the lid
- ΔT 20 K in empty furnace in accordance with DIN 17052-1, section 1
Additional Equipment
- Tailor-made dimensions
- Automatic exhaust air flaps activated via the furnace controls for faster cooling
- Controlled fan cooling with automatic exhaust air flaps for forced cooling
- Multi-zone control of the heating provides for optimal temperature uniformity
- Furnace chamber can be devided in length for short work pieces, partitions can be controlled separately
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