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來源:山東三體儀器有限公司   2022年04月18日 15:57  

##【疑問解答】餐具潔凈度檢測檢測的是什么@三體儀器 ## 點擊了解更多感興趣的內(nèi)容## 詳情鏈接,點擊跳轉(zhuǎn)?。。?#[question answer] what is the cleanliness of tableware tested @ three body instrument ## click the link for more interested content ## details and click jump!!!


  2022_ Three body recommends the tableware cleanliness detection instrument - ATP fluorescence detector, which is a newly upgraded product with large screen touch screen instead of traditional buttons. The operation adopts biochemical reaction method to detect ATP content. Based on the principle of firefly luminescence, ATP fluorescence detector uses "luciferase luciferin system" to quickly detect adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The ATP swab contains a reagent that can cleave the cell membrane, which can release the ATP in the cell, react with the specific enzyme contained in the reagent to produce light, and then detect the luminous value with a fluorescent illuminance meter. The number of microorganisms is directly proportional to the luminous value. Since all living cells contain a constant amount of ATP, the ATP content can clearly indicate the amount of microorganisms and other biological residues in the sample, which can be used to judge the sanitary condition.



       ATP fluorescence detector is widely used in many industries, such as bacterial and microbial detection, medical and health, food safety, market law enforcement, surface cleanliness detection, medical and epidemic prevention, water quality and water administration, production line sanitation, industrial water treatment, environmental protection detection, customs entry-exit quarantine and other law enforcement departments.



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