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來(lái)源:寧波科誠(chéng)儀器有限公司   2021年11月28日 12:25  
HQT-IA Microcomputer Multifunctional
Coulometric Method plating Thickness Tester Manual


1. System Structure Diagram……………………………………
3. Technical Parameters……………………………………3
4. Measurement Operation……………………………………5
5.Operation Technique………………………………………9
6.Trouble shooting of instrument operation……………10
7. nstrument Test and Calibration……………………………13
8. Safe Application Note…………………………………………13
9. Maintenance and Periodical Inspection………………14
11. After Sale Service ………………………………………15
    2. Instrument connection
    1) Connect 220V AC power line. Insert the power plug into sounded power socket.
    2) Connect constant current line plug, care to align plug nick and insert to
    full depth.
    3) Assemble organic measuring frame and air agitator according to diagram (refer to page 1.)
    3. Preparation of measuring piece
    1) Select leveling surface as measuring surface, using drawing rubber to clean oil. When zinc plating to be measured, coarse rubber (fountain pen rubber) should be used, dip zinc electrolyte to clean passivity layer.
    2) Lower rubber gasket to cover measuring surface, adjust pressure so that electrolytedoes not leak, and the rubber gasket does not deform.
    3) Inject electrolyte, and immediately use dropper to blow out the bubble at the bottom of the electrolytic cell. When there is a bubble, the current will not go through, and the instrument will alarm intermittently.
    4) Insert gas agitator head. When Cr is measured, no insertion of agitator head is needed.
    5) Clamp measuring galvanization piece with red clamp, and clamp the Ti thread electrode at the back of the frame arm with black clamp. The black clamp should be possibly far from electrode of the electrolytic cell to avoid corrosion from electrolyte.
    4. Setting of printing year and date
    1) Open instrument power switch or press ‘reset’ button. When screen display appears ”1  - - - -”, this means instrument is waiting for inputting year number, and at this time, input the four number of year in sequence. For example ”2004”.
    2) When inputting year number is finished, press button “B”, instrument is waiting for input date number. At this time, input two-month number and two-date number. For example, Jan. 2 inputs “0102” or Sept. 28 inputs “0928” etc. Pressing “reset”, date inputting should be repeated until it is correct.
    3) When date inputting is finished, press button “B”,prompt “P” will appear. This means instrument is waiting for next step operation.
    4) Open instrument power switch, or press ‘reset’ button. If input year, month and date number, press button again to storage input data, so that when printing, the date will be printed.
    5) When instrument displays ”1  - - - -”, press “clear” button, instrument will be at “P” status, and will not print year, month and date number upon printing.
    5. Printing control
    1) Repeat pressing “print” button, printing will be “on” (print window red light on) and “off” (red light off).
    2) When print window red light on, print paper end is cut level and curls up, shake from side to side entering the paper entering port, so that print paper will contact rubber enroll wheel of the printer. Press ‘paper run’ button so that the paper will enter the printer.
    3) When measure result is printed, printer should be on before measure in finished(print lamp on). When print window red lamp is off, measure result will not be printed when measure is finished.
    4) On ‘P’ status, press ‘times’ button on the panel to set copies of ‘printing document’. The copy number will display on the digital screen. 1 can be selected N=1~9, set and press ‘clear’ button to set instrument back to waiting status. (Note 1)
    5) When install print paper, be careful when print paper is hindered, it will not run. At this time, pull paper out slightly to avoid paper tear and some will remain in printer. Print paper can only be pulled out from out-coming direction, never pull it from ingoing direction to avoid paper tear. Avoid pulling paper from too long place, and too quickly and too violently to avoid print ribbon out of place.
    6. Measure operation
  • Press ‘measure’ button, prompt “L” will appear.Note1: When ‘times’ button is not pressed, printer will print one time. When a print time is changed during operation, this should be done on “P” status.
    2) Select speed
    a) When measure “silver” or “gold” plating, select ‘slow speed’.
    b) When measure other plating, select ‘quick speed’.
    c) Under special circumstance, one of the two speed positions can be selected through experiment.
    3) Select type
    a) According to the type to be measured, press corresponding button relating to its type, such as “0Ni”, “1Cr”, “7Ag”, and so on.
    b) “0Ni”—normal nickel measuring, and when multiplayer nickel thickness is measured, this button is also used.
    c) “10Cu”—zinc alloy base copper plating measurement.
    d) “8E”、"11B”—development plating.
    4) When speed, type is selected, note the prompt displayed.
    a) Display “U”, it means lack of correct measure parameter, input it(such as number “0150” etc.)prompt display will be changed to “-”.
     b) Coefficient of Φ2.5mmrubber gasket= “0150” and Φ1.7mm=”0069” 
     c) When prompt display “-”, press “run” button, instrument will be ready for measurement.
     d) When end point of measure is coming, end point indicator light will be on sequentially, and will display (print) measure result.
    7. Measure method of multiplayer system (e.g. Cu-Ni-Cr plating):
    When first layer measurement is finished, do not move the original measurement point. Use dropperto take out used electrolyte, inject and clean with distilled water two to three times (if agitator head is used for both times, clean the agitator head is necessary), add new electrolyte, perform next layer measurement operation.
    8. Measurement method of the same kind
    When the same kind of plating is to be measured, cleaning can be cancelled, only sip up electrolyte of measurement point. Change the measurement point, inject new electrolyte, take out bubble, press the ‘run’ button, and begin new measurement.
    Operation Technique
    1. The data set maintains when open measure data input without turning off instrument and ‘reset’ button is not pressed. If measurement point area is to be changed(such as replace small hole diameter rubber gasket with bigger hole diameter rubber gasket),press ‘reset’ button, clear internal measure parameter and input new parameter.
    2. Measuring same kind (without changing kind and change of rubber gasket diameter), when one measure is finished, without any other operation, just press ‘run’ button, and continue next measure.
    3. When measure kind is changed, press ‘clear’ button, press ‘measure’ button, speed button and kind button, prompt display ‘—’, and press ‘run’ button, the instrument will be ready for measurement.
    4. The measurement can be paused by pressing ‘pause’ button during the measuring. When ‘run’ button is pressed, the measurement will continued.
    5. When measurement is finished, check whether the measure point is complete. If there is significant variation of measurement area, this measurement is invalid and resume measurement.
    6. When measure ‘Cr-Ni-Cu’ plating, be careful when Cr measure is finished, instrument will start activation of Ni plating automatically, this will take about 10 seconds, and during this time, retaining electrolyte in the electrolytic cell.
    Trouble shooting of instrument operation
    1. Intermittent alarm and long alarm solution
    1) Intermittent alarming means no current is flown through electrolysis circuit, circuit maybe improperly connected or there is bubble at the bottom of the electrolytic cell. Press ‘clear’ button, and solve the problem and resume measurement.
  • Long alarming means that sensitivity control switch “+-”groups are both selected(turned upward), press ‘clear’ button and reset the sensitivity control switch will solve it. 
    2. Measure point plating residue too big, measurement and point end up too quickly and its solution
    1) Insufficient air agitation or no air agitation, insufficient elimination of concentration effect during electrolysis. Check air pump and air passage condition, solve the problem encountered.
    2) Select ‘slow speed’ work condition will improve the quickening arrival of end point.
  • Setting panel ‘sensitivity’ adjust switch ‘+’ value will extend end point arrival time. The setting method refers to ‘end point recognition sensitivity adjustment’. 
    3. Delay of measure end point, no end point and its solution
    During measurement, panel end point display band will be on from left to right. Normally, from slow to quick to point seven will stop measurement. If stays at point 3-5 for a long time, it should be determined to have no end point. The reason maybe:
    1. Rubber gasket and measurement surface is not tightly pressed, thus electrolyte leaks (at this time, finger pressing the electrolytic cell will make it arrive the end point quickly.).
    2. Constant current line clamp and socket, if rusted, will affect measurement accuracy and stability. It is an common reason toarrives earlier or delay of measure end point,
    3. Setting ‘sensitivity’ adjust switch ‘-’value, will control earlier arrival of end point. The method is as follows.
    4. End point recognition sensitivity adjustment
    1) When end point arrives earlier and delay, set sensitivity adjustment on the panel and resume measurement until satisfactory measurement result is obtained.
    2) Each “+ “”- “group has four number, numbered ‘1、2、3、4’respectively. Fixed on number “1”,adjustable sensitivity 48%;fixed on number “2”, adjustable sensitivity 24%;fixed on number “3”, adjustable sensitivity 12%;Fixed on number “4”, adjustable sensitivity 6%. The actual adjustment of sensitivity is the sum of the above adjustable sensitivity. For example, selecting all four points, the total is 90%.
    3) If end point arrives earlier, fixes on “+” group switch; If end point delays, or no end point, fixes on ”—“ group switch.
    4) Switch number setting is from small to big sequence according to the
    above mentioned principle. You can also contact us, and adjust it under the actual guidance of our company.
  • 5)Any time, selection of both “+—“ group switches should be avoided, otherwise the instrument will sound long alarm, which means error. 
    5. Other factors affecting measurement accuracy
    1) The instrument design specifies that plating measurement should be pure metal plating. If measurement metal purity is not very high, or is alloy plating(such as Cu-Sn alloy),inaccurate measuring result will obtained. The solution is to correct measuring coefficient of the same plating plate. Solution of it may negotiate with our company.
    2) The bad planeness of plating piece base will affect the accuracy and stability of the measurement. In measuring, this affection should be considered, and overcome it.
    6. Method of replace and adjust ribbon:
    1.Turn over the instrument up side down, unscrew the four screws.
    2.Turn over the instrument, open its up cover, push open the two plugged locks, and remove the panel.
    3.Remove four screws, and remove print board.
    4.Remove print ribbon case, perform reset adjustment, or replace with new print ribbon case.
    5.Reverse step 1-4 to install instrument.
    6.Care should be taken not to omit any parts, and place them one by one.
    7. When there is any measure problem, analogue measure operation of instrument should be done in order to determine whether instrument is right, method is as follows:
    1) Clamp black clamp with red clamp of constant cable(short circuit constant current circuit)
    2) Operate according to ‘Ni’ measurement sequence,and finally, press ‘run’ button, instrument will begin measurement counting, go into analogue status.
    3) When instrument display is above 0.2µm, pull off red clamp (Disconnect constant current circuit), all instrument end point indicator lights will be on, counting stop.
    4) If instrument can count and stop counting normally, this means that instrument is OK, and reason other than instrument should be found.
    5) When there is any measurement problem, user may, after analogue operation of instrument, contact us by telephone, and we’ll suggest effective solution.
    Instrument Test and Calibration
    The attached instrument standard sample plates (Ni) are supplied to user for instrument test and calibration, method is as follows:
    1) Instrument test:
    Using Φ2.5 rubber gasket, “0” button,‘quick speed’,coefficient 1, measure standard sample plate. Observe whether observable measure surface and measure point area error exist, and if measurement is within ±10% of standard sample plate, instrument is normal. Otherwise, reason that cause too big error should be traced and perform correction and measure again.
    2) Instrument calibration:
    Press ‘reset’ button, use Φ2.5 rubber gasket, ‘0’ button, ‘quick speed’, input sample plate nominal thickness (four point input is required, e.g., when sample plate thickness is 9µm, input 9). Observe whether observable measure surface and measure point area error exist after measurement and record measurement. Repeat abovementioned steps three times; average measurement should be new measurement coefficient (normally, coefficient should be within 0140-0160, too big verification should not be used).
    Safe Application Note
    To avoid electric shock, fuse replacement should be done when power socket is out of power.
    Maintenance and Periodical Inspection
    1)Proper distance should be maintained between main instrument and measurement frame during operation. Avoid ingression of electrolyteand gas into main instrument.
    2)After measurement, part that contacts with electrolyte should be washed clean with water, and wiped dry with soft paper to avoid rust that affects measurement stability.
    3)The standard sample plate, each time used, should be washed with water and dry, stored sealed.
    4)Its recommended inspection period is once a year. For arbitration application user, periodical inspection should be performed to ensure its accuracy. Inspection can entrust Shanghai municipal measuring and testing technology research institute, and sent by our company. Shanghai municipal measurement and test technology research institute should issue inspection report.
    5)The instrument, after being used everyday, removing rubber gasket, gasket and electrolytic cellshould be washed with water. Maintaining cleanness of the gasket and electrolytic cell will smooth measurement.
    6)Care should be taken to check tightness of fasten screws of electrolytic cell, do not let them loose which will cause electrolyte leakage and improper contact of the current circuit.
     After Sale Service
    1)From delivery’s day, if user operates and maintains the instrument according to this manual, there be any damage beyond control or operation requirement not up to specification, the company will repair or inspect instrument free of charge during one year.
    2)Required by user, the company will perform applicable technology training its operators in Shanghai free of charge.
    3)Over the guarantee period (1 year), the company will perform instrument repair and inspection charging reasonable material cost.
    Print on/off indicator
    Print paper
    Prompt display
    Data display
    Number and kind button
    Function switch
    Sensitivity adjust switch
    End point display
    Constant current line
    Power switch
    Organic frame bracket
    Air pump duct
    Electrolytic cell
    Rubber gasket
    Standard sample plate
    Organic gasket
    Organic frame arm
    Organic frame base plate




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