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來源:北京海菲爾格科技有限公司   2021年07月19日 14:37  

德國TEWS  在線水分測定儀  方案推薦



Equipment: MW-4260 + SPE-26diameter:26mm+ Bypass-Option and two valves1 upper and 1 lower valve of the sensor to regulate the filling and emptying.

SAP Powder is falling from the main pipe through the upper pipe into the sensor by cavity. The upper valve is regulating the filling of the sensor which is equipped with a filling and a temperature sensor. The filling sensor gives the signal to the upper valve when to close, and a few seconds after the lower valves open to empty the sensor by an additional air flowby pressure, max. 1.5bar, better less pressure. If the customer has an air pressure of e.g. 7bar they need a reducer in order not to have a higher air pressure than 1.5bar inside the sensor. To guarantee a good way of emptying the sensor the lower valve should be larger than 26mm.

With this equipment we can make every 30 seconds measurementsfilling – measuring – emptying. If there´s less product inside the pipee.g. 25%, it might take more time to fill the sensor. You might be able to accelerate the filling process by enlarging the “funnel” between the main pipe and the connecting pipe to the sensor.

For the SAP Measurementswe can calibrate the moisture as well as thebulk-densitywe have developed a special crystal glass inner tube of the sensor in order to avoid abrasions during the production flow and the emptying. We have chosenuntil nowthe bypass-optiondia. 26mm, as all SAP-Manufacturers we are in touch with would also like to calibrate and to measure thebulk-density of the SAP-Powder. The lower connection pipe should be bigger than 26mm in order to ensure a smooth flow.

Please see also the two attached photos of our installations in the process, photo of our complete sensor. as well as our Technical Manual of the Bypass System.

We know that the SAP granules are highly abrasive, our inner tubes are made of crystal glass, and they are working very well and have no any abrasion issue.

For the measurements with a tubular sensorSPE-26dust is no issue and has no impact on the measurements. The dust issue is not impacting any measurements for the bypass solutionviscosity, or flowability needs to be checked with the bypass solution.




Our existing customer in SAP industry, and its detailed instrument model, installation site or installation station, and its configuration.

臺塑FormosaWe have 4 Installations3 in Taiwan and 1 in Ningbo, Installation location: after the dryer moisture range: 3.0-3.6%. The Installations have been done 2-3 years ago (the first one 3 years ago and the other ones during the following year, two years ago). They have tested different technologies and no other method was working nor giving reliable measurement results. And Formosa has confirmed us the same points that other measurement technologies are not working. Probably it is due to the shape of the single granule and that the moisture is more inside the granule and less outside. Furthermore, the density measurements are also an added value for the customer.

BASFWe provide the solution for their lab with MW 4300, and a process analyzerMW-4260and a lab sensorSLH-40Bin Germany, Brazil, Thailand and Belgium. They automize their lab completely and make the lab measurements with a barcode-reader and a robot which will fill and empty the sensor with the samples  automated. In case of BASFautomatedit is also no problem.

As to the laboratory solutions, we will probably have 3 calibration curves, maybe 4, as the samples come from many different process steps, so with a wide moisture range between 0.5% and 17%.

EvonikThe customer is satisfied with our lab measurement in their laboratory.



Honestly, I don´t know the exact particle size. The samples of all manufacturers that I have seenBASF, Formosa, Evonik, LG Chemwere “fine granule”. In the process we are measuring in the range 3-4% moisture content. In the laboratory we have measuredwith different calibrationsbetween 1-17%.

Generally, the granule size has no impact on our moisture measurements. All manufacturers were very interested in the moisture measurementsindependently from the density, and some of them required specifically the calibration of thebulkdensity. The density measurements are possible to calibrate in the process. Also, in the laboratory, but we have to keep in mind that the customer needs to ensure the same filling procedure of the beakers for every measurement when he wants to make lab-density measurements.

Since SAP is abrasive product, the inner tube which touch product is glass tube. And they have to use soft brush for cleaning as maintenance, but not any metal tools.
















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