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來源:廣州澤爾機電科技有限公司   2016年08月18日 15:30  


Pt 100pt100是鉑熱電阻,PT后的100即表示它在0℃時阻值為100歐姆-Temperature relay 溫度繼電器Type型號 TR600

Pt 100 temperature relay with 2 analog outputs

Pt 100 溫度繼電器,帶2個模擬量輸出


Product description產(chǎn)品描述


The Pt 100 thermostat PT100自動調(diào)溫器)TR600 is a temperature controller(溫度控制器) and monitors 監(jiān)控 up to six 6個以上)Pt 100 sensors at the same time. Six switching points 6個開關(guān)點)and six relays6個繼電器) permit almost any combination of switching action(允許幾乎任何組合的開關(guān)作用/轉(zhuǎn)換作用). It also can select the highest temperature of a group of three or six sensors它也可以選擇三個或六個傳感器的zui高溫度. The temperatures of two sensors or groups of sensors can be issued to 2 analog outputs兩個或一群傳感器的溫度可以發(fā)給2模擬輸出 i.e.(也就是) for remote displays or further evaluation遠程顯示器或進一步評估. Programming is very variable and simple(編程非常易變和簡單).

Due to the fact that 6 type Pt 100 sensors can be connected, the unit is especially suitable for temperature monitoring wherever up to 6 different measuring points must be monitored simultaneously:

基于6Pt 100傳感器能連接起來,此裝置尤其適合對超過6個不同的必須同時監(jiān)測的測量點進行溫度監(jiān)測。

  • motors and generators with simultaneous monitoring of bearings and coolant.同步監(jiān)測電機和發(fā)電機的軸承和冷卻液
  • transformers with additional monitoring of the core temperature also.也適用對變壓器的中心溫度進行附加監(jiān)測。
  • power machines and plants動力機械和工廠

UL E377414 Process Control Equipment, Electrical - Component

Overview of functions功能概述

  • Measuring and monitoring range測量和監(jiān)測范圍 -199 ... +800 °C
  • 6 sensor inputs with 2- or 3-wire connection23線連接的6個傳感器輸入。
  • 7 relay outputs with change-over contact
  • 7個帶轉(zhuǎn)換觸點的繼電器輸出
  • Alarm 1 6 relay 警報1...6繼電器  K1 (11/12/14) ... K6 (61/62/64)
  • Sensor Error Relay傳感器錯誤繼電器 K7 (71/72/74) monitors sensor break or sensor short circuit.監(jiān)測傳感器失效或短路。
  • 2 analog outputs2個模擬量輸出, 0/4...20 mA and 0/2...10 V, with individual scaling.帶*的調(diào)節(jié)比例
  • Universal power supply通用電源供應(yīng). 2 ranges AC/DC 24-60V or AC/DC 90-240 V
  • Universal power supply通用電源供應(yīng) AC/DC 24-240 V
  • Terminal for USB-Stick for up- and downloads of sets of parameters and for firmware-updates
  • 端口適用:USB閃盤、裝置數(shù)據(jù)下載、硬件更新


  • 凡本網(wǎng)注明“來源:儀表網(wǎng)”的所有作品,均為浙江興旺寶明通網(wǎng)絡(luò)有限公司-儀表網(wǎng)合法擁有版權(quán)或有權(quán)使用的作品,未經(jīng)本網(wǎng)授權(quán)不得轉(zhuǎn)載、摘編或利用其它方式使用上述作品。已經(jīng)本網(wǎng)授權(quán)使用作品的,應(yīng)在授權(quán)范圍內(nèi)使用,并注明“來源:儀表網(wǎng)”。違反上述聲明者,本網(wǎng)將追究其相關(guān)法律責(zé)任。
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