當前位置:天津市電纜總廠橡塑電纜廠>>計算機電纜>>DJYVP計算機電纜>> 廠家出售DJYP2V 5X2X0.75計算機電纜
絕緣厚度 | 3 | 芯數(shù) | 3 |
可采用任何一種敷設,更適于巖石地區(qū)的敷設。HYA23雙鎧雙護套通信電纜HYAT系列充油通信電纜(HYAT,HYAT23,HYAT53:HYAT23 100X2X0.4的詳細資料: 大對數(shù)鐵皮電纜HYAT23 HYA23 200X2X0.4 大對數(shù)鎧裝電纜HYAT23 大對數(shù)鍍鋅鐵皮電纜。
KVVP 阻燃銅芯聚氯絕緣聚氯護套450/750 4-37 0.75-10 敷設在室內(nèi),電纜溝、管道等要求屏蔽的固定。
MHJYV(HUJYV) 礦用聚絕緣阻燃聚氯護套加強型軟電纜 用于有的抗拉強度 。
鋪設在室內(nèi)、電纜內(nèi)、管道、直埋、垂掛,男受較大拉力的固定 。
廠家出售DJYP2V 5X2X0.75計算機電纜
變頻器電纜性能設計與參照 :1.8/3千伏及以下變頻電機電纜電氣性能均按GB/Tl2706,2002設計。6/10千伏變頻電機電纜在GBT/l2706.2002外,了電容和電感等電性能要求。根據(jù)變頻電機電纜的實際使用情況并參照GB/T12706.2002和ABB公司對電力傳動電纜的技術(shù)條件,確定了電纜的電氣性能參數(shù)。
HYAT53 鎧裝通信電纜用途:鎧裝通信電纜機械保護層可以加到任何結(jié)構(gòu)的電纜上,以電纜的機械強度,防侵蝕能力,是為易受機械及易受侵蝕的地區(qū)而設計的電纜??梢圆捎萌魏我环N敷設,更適用于巖石地區(qū)的直埋敷設。
to reign. The combination of circumstances on the Continent also seems to he been exactly that necessary to aid the result most fourable to English interests; and the special personal qualities3 both of Philip II. and Catharine de Medici were as if expressly moulded to contribute to the same end. But propitious, almost providential, as the circumstances were, the of England and the establishment of Protestanti as a permanent power in Europe could never he been effected without the supreme and sustained statecraft of the Queen and her great minister. The nimble shifting from side to side, the encouragement or discouragement of the French and Flemish Protestants as the policy of the moment dictated, the alternate flouting and flattering of the rival powers, and the agile utilisation of the Queen’s and feminine love of admiration to provoke competing offers for her hand, all exhibit stateanship as keen as it was unscrupulous. The political methods adopted were perhaps those which met with general acceptance at the time, but the dexterous juggling through a long course of years with regard to Elizabeth’s marriage is unexampled in the history of government. Not a point was missed. Full advantage was taken of the Queen’s maiden state, of her feminine fickleness, of her solitary sovereignty, of her assumed religious uncertainty, of her accepted beauty,
HYAT53填充式鎧電纜(使用于城域網(wǎng)通信網(wǎng)絡建設的復雜中,直埋于地下,有阻水、防鼠咬效果,無須充氣保護,主要傳輸音頻) 。
PTYA23 56芯鐵路電纜銅導體直徑:1.0毫米直流電阻:≤23.5Ω/km電纜參考外徑:42mm纜芯結(jié)構(gòu):14×4對絞組工作電容:≤70nF星形四線組工作電容:≤50 nF絕緣電阻:≥3000MΩ/km。
1/1.0 用于較的斜井和平巷作通信線 。
校正系數(shù) 1.12 1.06 1.00 0.94 0.87 0.79
廠家出售DJYP2V 5X2X0.75計算機電纜
Prince Philip. She herself was in gre dou at that time and afterwards as to its wisdom or practicability. Young Courtney had been designated by the public voice as the most fitting consort for her; and although the romantic theories of many historians as to her suped attachment to him are unsupported by a single shred of evidence, it is certain that for a time she seriously contemplated the wisdom of conciliating English feeling by marrying the man who was one of her first compes for the session of the throne. Gradually, however, Renard, with his logical persuasiveness, convinced her that she would acquire more strength by an alliance with the only son of the Emperor than by a marriage “with one of her own vassals, without credit, power, or assistance, who has seen and knows nothing of the world, hing been reared in servitude and never left England.”9
廠家出售DJYP2V 5X2X0.75計算機電纜
HYA53/HYAT53(防鼠咬/直埋)HYAT53直埋型電纜:主要用于傳輸音頻、15市內(nèi)通信電纜|通信電纜|(管道 / 架空 ) HYAC (架空 ) HYAT (防水 ) 0kHZ及以下的模擬和2048kbit/s及以下的數(shù)字。在一定條件下,也可用于傳輸2048kbit/s以上的數(shù)字。適用于市內(nèi)、近郊及局部地區(qū)架空或管道敷設線路中,也可直埋。
電纜 YCW-3×4+1×2.5 YCW-3×10+1×6電纜 YCW-3×4+1×2.5 YCW-3×10+1×6
橡套電纜廣泛使用于各種電器設備,例如日用電器,電動機械,電工裝置和器具的移動式電源線,同時可在室內(nèi)或戶外環(huán)境條件下使用.根據(jù)電纜所受的機械外力,在產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)上分為輕型,中型和重型三類,在截面上也有適當?shù)你暯?一般輕型橡套電纜使用于日用電器,小型電動設備,要求柔軟,輕巧,彎曲性能好;中型橡套電纜除工業(yè)用外,廣泛用于農(nóng)業(yè)電氣化中,重型電纜用于如港口機械,探照燈,農(nóng)業(yè)大型水力排灌站等場合.這類產(chǎn)品具有良好的通用性,系列規(guī)格完整,性能良好和穩(wěn)定.電纜 YCW-3×4+1×2.5 YCW-3×10+1×6
型號 | 額定電壓V | 芯數(shù) | 標稱截面mm |
YQ YQW | 300/300 | 2,3 | 0.3~0.5 |
YZ YZW | 300/500 | 2,3,4,5 | 0.75~6 |
YC YCW | 450/750 | 1 | 1.5~400 |
| 2 | 1.5~95 |
| 3,4 | 1.5~150 |
| 5 | 1.5~25 |
(6)電纜標志清楚,護套表面印有制造廠名、型號、電壓的連續(xù)標志,字跡清楚。電纜 YCW-3×4+1×2.5 YCW-3×10+1×6
額定電壓450/750V及以下聚氯乙烯絕緣電纜,執(zhí)行標準為GB 5023-1997。它分為固定布線用護套電纜、2芯或多芯屏蔽和非屏蔽軟電纜、軟電纜(軟線)等主要用于家庭電路布線、監(jiān)控用線、供電電源線、家電電器用連接線。
無護套電線 BV BVR BV-90 BVR-90 軟線 RV-70 RV-90
輕型軟線 RVV(普通護套軟線) 屏蔽電線 RVVP(屏蔽軟電纜)天津市電纜總廠.是專業(yè)從事礦用電纜產(chǎn)品研制,生產(chǎn),經(jīng)營為一體的大型企業(yè),天津市電纜總廠.擁有*的礦用電纜技術(shù)開發(fā),人才和規(guī)格齊全的礦用電纜產(chǎn)品,是目前國內(nèi)大的礦用電纜專業(yè)生產(chǎn)廠家,并在礦用電纜產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)行業(yè)通過了質(zhì)量體系認證