主要功能與特性Function and Features 溫度變送器是利用鉑電阻(銅電阻等)的阻值隨溫度改變的特性將溫度的變化轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)殡妷旱淖兓俳?jīng)直流隔離變換,得到與輸入(溫度傳感器)*隔離的對應于被測點溫度的直流電壓或電流輸出的儀器。
注意事項Notice 1 建議連接線使用屏蔽線,且電源線、輸入線和輸出線相互分離; Shielded cables are recommended and cables of the power supply, input and output shall be separated; 2 使用環(huán)境應無導電塵埃和無腐蝕金屬和破壞絕緣的氣體存在,海拔高度小于2500米; The operating environment allows no electric dust or gases that corrodes metal or destroys insulation. The altitude is less than 2500m; 3 產(chǎn)品出廠時已調(diào)好零點和精度,請勿隨意調(diào)整。 Don’t modify Zero and accuracy which have been calibrated by the manufacturer.