· Model 926S
樣品量 500 microlitres 20 microlitres
分析范圍: 10-999mg Cl/l; 2-165mg%Salt 10-299mmolCl/l
分析時間: 35 sec @ 200mgl/l 35 sec@ 100mmolCl/l
準確度: SD <1% @ 0.1% Cl Std Solution +-2% @ NQCS 100mmol/l
線性: 1% in range 10-999mgCl/l 1% 10-299 mmolCl/l
重現性: CV for 20 replicates
<1.5% @ 200mgCl/l <1.5% @ 100mmolCl/l
The Sherwood Buffer system is optimised to eliminate interfering ionsincorporates a special dispersant to ensure reproducible formation of the silver chloride precipitateenhance analytical performance.
· 主要特點
· 使用方便, 自動化操作.
The coulometric method is very robustversatile
o The Sherwood microprocessor based Instrument is ergonomically designedeasy to usemaintain
o The Sherwood Buffer System specifically designed for the model 926 gives outstanding sensitivityselectivity