




  • 型號
  • 品牌
  • 所在地蘇州市
  • 更新時間2022-08-10
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 入駐年限1
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量158
  • 人氣值192

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    我司成立于 2010 年,公司簡稱:美藍電子儀器公司,目前職員工約50 人,辦公室面積合計約 500 平方,
IQxel-M8 產品詳情
The LitePoint® IQxel-M8™ is the ideal solution for high-volume production environments enabling testing of numerous connectivity standards including:
  • Wi-Fi, 802.11a/ac/ah/b/g/j/n/p
  • Bluetooth, Classic (1.x, 2.x, 3.0), Low Energy (BLE) (4.0, 4.1, 4.2), and Bluetooth 5
  • Supports 2x2 true MIMO with single tester
  • Supports up to 8x8 true MIMO by stacking multiple testers
  • ZigBee
  • Wi-SUN
  • DECT
  • TD-LTE

Over 500% Test Throughput Increase with Testing of up to 4 Devices in Parallel

The IQxel-M8 can perform parallel tests on up to eight devices simultaneously through its fully-integrated RF ports. With the IQxel-M8’s embedded intelligent scheduling capability you can realize throughput increases greater than 500% relative to single-device systems.The IQxel-M8 supports 2x2 true MIMO testing in a single tester through its dual VSA/VSG design and is also scalable to support up to 8x8 true MIMO testing by stacking up multiple testers.

Asynchronous & Synchronous Test Methods Provide Both Flexibility & Cost Savings

  • Asynchronous mode enables device testing that can start and stop independently of other devices in the same test station. This enables you to re-use existing equipment, preserve your factory setup, and consolidate multiple test stations into one.
  • Synchronous testing coordinates receive and transmit tests across multiple devices, and provides the greatest throughput advantages. This deployment typically requires some changes in production line setup.

Maximize Test Throughput with LitePoint’s Packet Engine Technology

LitePoint's Packet Engine, in its fifth generation, is the central nervous system of the IQxel-M8™. Delivering best-in-class test speeds by implementing device verification designed for the technology being tested, the Packet Engine enables signal analysis that is fully aligned with the device under test, rather than relying on time-based assumptions. As a result, your testing will be completed in the shortest time possible, and your measurements will be consistent and repeatable from device to device.

Turnkey Chipset-Specific Solutions

Backed by a library of hundreds of chipset solutions, LitePoint’s IQfact+™ software utilizes the power of the IQxel-M8's Packet Engine and SmartPort™ technology to deliver a total solution that accelerates your time-to-market while minimizing the total cost of testing advanced wireless devices. More than a decade of close partnership with the major wireless chipset companies ensures LitePoint® products can perform the most efficient testing possible and allows for unique, optimized calibration routines that reduce test times.

Built for Manufacturing

IQxel-M8 was built from the ground up for manufacturing. With its rugged and compact design, the 2U-high chassis fits in a standard 19” rack, making it easy to rack or stack. Direct cable connections from tester to fixture, automatic configuration and simple fixture calibration all free up precious factory floor space and reduce operational expenses including labor, power consumption, and general overhead.

Future-Proof Test System

The IQxel-M8 provides comprehensive test coverage of the physical layer for the most popular wireless connectivity standards, including both legacy and new standards. The IQxel-M8 covers test requirements of all common connectivity technologies in wireless devices including 802.11a/ac/ah/b/g/j/n/p, Bluetooth, DECT, and ZigBee. With the capability to update the system’s generation and analysis software, the IQxel-M8 is ready for the future, therefore preserving your capital investment.

  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • WLAN Routers and Access Points
  • WLAN Modules and Network Interface Cards (NIC)
  • WLAN / Bluetooth SiP (System in Package) devices
  • WLAN MIMO devices
  • Wireless home gateways
  • Wireless enabled Internet of Things
Frequency Range:

RF1 to RF8:

  • 860 to 1000 MHz
  • 1770 to 2600 MHz
  • 3300 to 3800 MHz
  • 4900 to 6000 MHz
Output Power Range:

RF1 to RF8:

1 port active:

  • +10 to -95 dBm (≤ 2700 MHz)
  • 0 to -95 dBm (> 2700 MHz)

All ports active:

  • +5 to -95 dBm (≤ 2700 MHz)
  • -5 to -95 dBm (> 2700 MHz)

Supported technologies:

  • Wi-Fi, 802.11a
  • Wi-Fi, 802.11ac
  • Wi-Fi, 802.11ah
  • Wi-Fi, 802.11b
  • Wi-Fi, 802.11g
  • Wi-Fi, 802.11j
  • Wi-Fi, 802.11n
  • Wi-Fi, 802.11p
  • Bluetooth 1.x
  • Bluetooth 2.x
  • Bluetooth 3.0
  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
  • Bluetooth 5
  • DECT (optional)
  • ZigBee/Wi-SUN (optional)
  • TD-LTE (optional)
  • More standards capabilities being added…

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