MICROLITE-BURETTE conforms to ISO 8655 standards and is GLP compliant.
Each model is individually calibrated and supplied with a calibration certificate placed inside the product package.
MICROLT E-BURETTE符合ISO 8655和GLP標準,每個型號都經過單獨校準,并在產品包裝內附有校準證書。
The instrument can also be easily calibrated electronically within a laboratory, without the help of an external calibration tool. 該儀器也可以在實驗室內輕松地進行電子校準,無需外部校準工具的幫助。
MICROLIT E-BURETTE reflects the design philosophy of our organization, combining the best pertormance parameters with the best user experience.
It is recognised by India Design Mark as a product that exhibits Good Design. Additionally, we were honoured by Cll Industrial Innovation Awards and adjudged a place in the top 25 Most Innovative Companies of 2016. We are also accredited by a number of global organizations and have earned worldwide credibility.
The instrument comes with 3 individually calibrated Pre-set Speeds, including dropwise dispensing. 該設備有三種可獨立運行的預設速度,其中包括逐滴滴定。
High Speed Dispensing: Dispense at 1.517 ml/sec. 高速滴定∶1.517 ml/seC
Low Speed Dispensing: Dispense at 0.491 ml/sec. 低速滴定∶0.491 ml/sec
Dropwise Dispensing: Dispense at 0.010 ml/sec. 逐滴滴定∶0.010 ml/sec
The instrument is available in three unique capacities *Refer to the specifications and ordering information.
*ISO 8655 is the globally accepted industry standard for piston-operated volumetric apparatus. The evaluation was performed by trained and certified personnel at an ISO17025 accredited lab