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PS2500 手提功率儀

  • 型號
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新時間2022-04-25
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 入駐年限18
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量76
  • 人氣值656

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PS2500 手提功率儀
PS2500 手提功率儀 產品詳情

Powersight PS2500 Power Logger (with Bluetooth and SD memory card slot)

A COMPLETE POWER DATA LOGGER SOLUTION - for single or three phase measurements, from setup, to data gathering, to issuing a comprehensive final report. As with all PowerSight meters the PS2500 comes with powerful PC software and an automatic Report Writer. See an example here: Report

THE HANDS-ON CHOICE! The PS2500 Power Logger is lightweight, compact, and rugged. It's rubberized contoured case and rugged construction make the PS2500 ideal for field work.

SAFETY FIRST! CAT-IV Rated. CAT IV is the most stringent safety rating for hand-held test equipment. It means that it can withstand a 10,000 V surge at a 600 V service so you can feel confident in the meter's safety wherever power studies are performed at 600 V or below.

MEASURES AND LOGS 140 PARAMETERS Complete power/energy/cost analysis in a compact, rugged package. Measures voltage, current, KW, KVA, KVAR, true power factor, displacement power factor, energy in KWh, Hz and (optionally) total harmonic distortion THD. Manual waveform capture ability.

The PS2500 has 4 current and 3 voltage channels to measure all phases and neutral for single, two-phase, three-phase, split delta, 2PT/2CT, DC, 45-66 Hz, and 360-440 Hz applications as well as DC. Log minimums, maximums, averages, and present values. Individual phases and total. Click here: PS2500 brochure

SUCCESSFUL STUDIES! Our patented SureStart feature automatically checks for wrong connections on three phase connections before you begin monitoring to ensure a successful power study every time. If there is a mis-connection SureStart will display the error in the meter window.

ACCURATE READINGS Uses SureSense for automatic current probe identification to set the input of the PS2500 to match each current probe in use. This makes sure that the current probe readings are accurate and correct.

THE LONGEST LOGGING CAPACITY Long term logging for up to months at a time. The meter’s operation is backed up by rechargeable batteries and has an option to power it directly from the voltage being monitored. Current probes that normally require batteries (flexible AC probes and DC probes) get their power from the PS2500. This guarantees that the PS2500 will log power as long as you need it . Unlike other loggers, it never goes into "sleep" mode. This guarantees that you will have a true view of all of the data when the job is done.

CLEAR DISPLAY FOR QUICK SPOT CHECKS You can view voltage, current, true power, apparent power, and true power factor present values in the meter window- just like a multimeter!

SMART! It comes with the latest Bluetooth technology to download data to your PC wirelessly. Plus a removable SD memory card slot allows you to store more power survey data and share the data with others.

What are the benefits of the SD card?
1) high data integrity, data is always saved – since data is always simultaneously logged to the meter’s memory AND the card if present
2) you can store more surveys – more survey data – up to 2GB
3) SD cards are inexpensive - carry several!
4) SD cards offer a method of sharing data
5) surveys can be archived on SD cards
6) SD cards are another method of downloading to a PC

With SD cards you could perform several studies in the field and save each survey separately to the card, and then later download several surveys to a PC. Or, for long term monitoring, you can pause the monitor, swap the card with a fresh one, and take the other card back to a PC later. The benefit here is that you don't need to always carry a PC to get data, or you can send someone else to swap the card - they won't need a PC either!

What are the benefits of Bluetooth wireless communications?
1) no need to be tethered to a PC by a cable any more
2) no need to carry a communications cable (cables can get lost too!)
3) remote control from a few feet away – a cool feature that enhances safety by keeping you a distance away from high voltages
4) faster downloads than compared to serial cable

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