ZYT-1型自動永停滴定儀 概述 極化電壓polarization volatage 50,100,(mv) 靈敏度Sensitivity 1.5×10-9A,1.5×10-8A 門限值Threshold value 60% 80% * 終點延時End-point delay 1’30” 電源power supply 200V, 50Hz 快點延時Fast drip delay 7” 功率power 18W 概述 泵管容量 >25ml 容量精度 <0.2% 門限值 50-80 極化電壓 -50,-100(mv) 分辨率 0.01(ml) 電壓 200v 50Hz 靈敏度 10-8A,10-9A 終點延時 1’30’’ 功率 20W 概述 本儀器是根據中國藥典2005版對容量分析永停滴定法的要求而設計的一款新穎微電腦控制的自動永停滴定儀。儀器采用大尺寸彩色顯示屏,全中文觸摸屏操作。各種技術參數(shù)可根據實際需要靈活設置,設置時,人機對話,操作方便、直觀。儀器標定及檢測樣品時,彩屏即時顯示滴定曲線,同時門限值位置及滴定動態(tài)也即時出現(xiàn)。 主要技術指標 自動永停滴定儀 智能永停滴定儀 北京永停滴定儀 ZYT-1永停滴定儀 ZYT-2永停滴定儀 ZYT-2J智能永停滴定儀 北京全自動永停滴定儀 現(xiàn)誠招各級代理商 ,: 蔣先生
Ascertaining end-point titrimetry is a method to ascertain the end-pointin volumetric analysis, the automatic ascertaining end-point titratoris a new instrument manufac-tured according to the requirement of Titrimetry recorded Chinese Codex(Edition:77)which can be used to measure dia-zonium end-point indication. It has the advantages suchas high precision , exact measurement, convenient usage, stable performance compared with the methodsof using external indicator and watching Fischer liquid ,It is an abso-lutely necessaryinstrument to analyze solution for chemical labs, physic in-spection organizations, hospitals, phar-maceutical factory and so on
技術參數(shù)Technical Parameter
ZYT-2 型自動永停滴定儀ZYT-2 型自動永停滴定儀是按照中國藥典所規(guī)定的永停滴定法來檢測藥品含量的終點指示儀器,本儀器采用特制精密計量泵和高可靠三通轉換閥,能完成自動吸夜,自動注液。自動測定后終點自動由LED數(shù)字顯示正確的標準液消耗。
ZYT-2 automatic ascertaining end-point titrator is the end-point indication instrument which inspects the content of medicine according to the ascertaining end-point titrimetry regulated in Chinese codex. It is equipped with handtailor exact measuring pump and three-way crossover valve. It can absorb and shot liquid automatically, measure the end-point automatically, and show standard liquid dosage ZYT-2 型自動永停滴定儀技術參數(shù)Technical Parameter
pump pipe volume
capacity precision
Threshold value
Polarization voltage
Power supply
End-point delay
The instrument is designed according to Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005 edition of the capacity analysis requirements of the end-point titration. The apparatus has a large colored display, touch screen operation. A variety of technical parameters can be set flexibly according to actual needs, when in calibration or tests of samples, it show real-time titration curves in color at the same time, the location of threshold and titration status are also shown.
The instrument can be connected to special printers and also to desktop computers.
1.極化電壓:-30mv ~ -450mv任意設置
Polarization voltage: -30mv ~-450mv stepless set
2.靈敏度: 10-6 ; 10-7 ;10-8 ;10-9 分四欄任意設置
Sensitivity: 10-6 ; 10-7 ;10-8 ;10-9 stepless set in four columns
3.門限值: 50~90任意設置
Threshold value: 50 ~ 90 stepless set
4.小進給量0.01、0.02、0.03ml/2秒 三檔
Minimum feed 0.01,0.02,0.03 ml / 2 seconds in third grade
Titration delay: 0 seconds ~ 300 seconds stepless set
Mixing speed: 001 ~ 999 stepless set