The version with a second measuring range (optional) is ideal for applications with a high peak torque but moderate operat-ing torque. A torque sensor with only one measuring range
would have to be chosen to withstand the peak torque. As a result it would, however, be oversized for measuring the oper-ating torque actually of interest.
The dual range sensor offers the advantage of range switch-ing, which allows highly accurate measurement of both the peak and particularly the operating torque.Power is supplied and the measurement signals transferred between the rotating shaft and the case without contact. In addition to suitable mounting of the shaft, low production tol-erances and high grade balancing, this is a further prerequisite for the high speed limit of up to 50 000 1/min achieved with the “H” version
The Type 4503A… torque sensors are used:
■ In automotive and vehicle engineering
■ In the aeronautical industry
■ In mechanical and process plant engineering
■ In electric motor manufacture
They are universal in application, being suitable for the devel-opment laboratory, production or quality assurance. With a torque sensor Type 4503A… you will solve your meas-urement requirement. They are typically used for testing of electric motors, generators, drive performance, measurement of transmission or spindle drive friction, at a manual worksta-tion or in networked, automated production cells.