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Fluke 87V/E2 Industrial Electrician Combo Kit-萬用/多用表

  • 型號
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新時間2020-11-05
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 入駐年限6
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量132
  • 人氣值3584

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  美國福祿克公司(Fluke Corporation)是美國丹納赫集團(Danaher Corporation)旗下的公司。美國丹納赫集團是一個擁有64億美元年銷售額的美國上市公司,位列美國財富雜志500強之一。美國丹納赫集團具有品牌優(yōu)勢,高科技手段和市場的*地位。在擁有19,000多個機構,并全部納入高效率的"丹納赫商業(yè)對策管理系統(tǒng)"的管理?! ?/P>

  美國福祿克公司將"成為緊湊、精密、專業(yè)電子測試工具的*"作為公司的使命。多年以來,便攜、堅固、耐用、安全、可靠、易用和品質*已經、成為用戶對美國福祿克公司產品用得Z多得形容詞。"福祿克"已成為世界電子測試工具的品牌?! ?/P>

  目前,在中國,福祿克公司為電子,電氣以及自動化領域的工程師提供方便可靠的測試工具。從航空航天到通信,從電力到石化,從鐵路到醫(yī)療,您都可以見到FLUKE的產品。在其他行業(yè),福祿克公司也積極參加中國在自動化方面的建設?! 「5摽斯镜漠a品集精確,可靠,安全,靈活,耐用之大成,同時福祿克公司將以不斷發(fā)展的新技術為依托,不斷開發(fā)新的產品。為廣大中國用戶提供更加可靠優(yōu)質的產品和高效的服務,以滿足于中國經濟的飛速發(fā)展。

主要特性All functionality of the 87V Industrial Digital Multimeter, plus:Fully insulated 3 mm exposed metal test probes for electricians working in high energy environmentsC35 Soft Carrying Case holds meter, test leads and other accessoriesTPAK magnetic hanging strap lets you attach the meter to any ferrous surface, such as cabinets and iron pipes.
Fluke 87V/E2 Industrial Electrician Combo Kit-萬用/多用表 產品詳情

產品概述: Fluke 87V/E2 Industrial Electrician Combo Kit

Ideal for electricians, this combo kit is built around the Fluke 87V, the most widely used industrial digital multimeter in the world and includes essential accessories to make you even more productive. This kit offers 15% savings compared with the individual price of all the accessories. Plus you'll be working with the most trusted tools in the world.

Assembled in the USA. Lifetime warranty.

The Fluke 87V/E2 Industrial Electrician Combo Kit is designed and assembled in the USA. The 87V multimeter is backed by a limited lifetime warranty, so you can rely on your DMM every time you take it out of your tool box.

Solve the difficult problems

Working on VSDs/VFDs: Take accurate voltage, current and frequency measurements on the output side of the drive at either the drive itself or at the motor terminals.

Industrial troubleshooting: Get the resolution and accuracy you need to solve more problems on motor drives, in-plant automation, power distribution, and electromechanical equipment.

Checking power quality: Capture glitches and spikes as short as 250 μs. Identify irregular signals.

Advanced measurement functions

  • True-rms ac measurements
  • 0.05% dc accuracy
  • 6,000 counts, 3-3/4 digit resolution, or 20,000 counts, 4-1/2 digit—resolution
  • 10 A ac or dc (with test leads and current jacks) with 0.1 μA resolution
  • Temperature measurements up to 1090 °C with included thermocouple probe
  • Provides 10,000 µF capacitance range for components and motor caps
  • Provides peak capture and Min/Max/Avg recording to capture intermittent as short as 250 µS
  • Easy access door for fast battery changes without breaking the calibration seal
  • Fits into an optional magnetic hanger for easy set-up and viewing while freeing your hands for other tasks
  • Presents a large digit display with bright, two-level backlight for easier reading in low light
  • Includes an analog bar graph for fast changing or unstable signals
  • Auto and manual ranging for maximum flexibility
  • Relative mode to calculate and display difference between two readings
  • Holds readings on display for safe viewing after removing probes using Touch Hold technology

Electrical Safety

All inputs are protected to CAT IV 600 V, CAT III 1000 V. They can withstand impulses in excess of 8.000 V and reduce risks related to surges and spikes.

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