




  • 型號
  • 品牌
  • 所在地深圳市
  • 更新時間2017-12-18
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 入駐年限9
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量1422
  • 人氣值66289
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    作為專業(yè)的音視頻測試測量儀器,安防監(jiān)控設備代理商, 君輝儀器聚集了一批在行業(yè)從業(yè)多年的銷售人員和高級技術工程師, 為客戶提供切合實際的解決方案和*的售后服務是君輝電子一直堅持的宗旨,所有銷售的音視頻,安防產品實行一年免費保修,終身維護的政策(限進口產品)。在技術培訓和產品維修方面,有專業(yè)的工程師能及時為您解決在實際使用過程中出現的故障及技術難題。

產地進口 加工定制
?60,000 counts resolution on dual display
?0.025% basic DC voltage accuracy
?Longer battery life up to 800 hours
?Certified to IP 67 for dust and water protection
U1281A數字萬用表 產品詳情



  • 60,000 counts resolution on dual display
  • 0.025% basic DC voltage accuracy
  • Longer battery life up to 800 hours
  • Certified to IP 67 for dust and water protection
  • Tested to withstand a 3-meter (10-ft) drop
  • Programmable via USB (Download Programming Guide here)
  • CAT III 1000 V/ CAT IV 600 V overvoltage protection


Why feel tied to the bench when it comes to the need of troubleshooting electronic circuits in the system? Gain the confidence to achieve trustworthy measurements with the 60,000 display resolution and 0.025% basic DCV accuracy. The U1280 series handheld digital multimeter (DMMs) lets you carry out test and measurements over a longer duration than ever before with up to 800 hours of battery life. Even when operating in harsh conditions, the U1280 series is strong enough to stand up to the task with certification of Ingress Protection Marking (IP) to IP 67 level of dust and water protection.

Comprehensive data logging experience with Keysight Meter Logger software

When it comes to the need to observe measurement over a period of time, Keysight Meter Logger software provides a comprehensive data logging experience with the U1280 Series as well as other Keysight U1200 Series handheld DMMs. The U1280 series can be easily connected to the Meter Logger software that runs on a PC via Infrared (IR)-to-USB cable, or to do so wirelessly with the optional Keysight Remote Link solution. Keysight Meter Logger software provides users the flexibility and useful configuration to view their logged data in trend plot or table format. Once the measurements are recorded in the software, users can easily transfer the logged data into various types of report formats with just a click of the button.

Download the FREE Keysight Meter Logger software to work with any Keysight U1200 Series handheld DMMs.

Measure wirelessly and remoy with the Keysight Remote Link Solution

You can add Bluetooth connectivity to any Keysight handheld DMMs and clamp meters from the U1200 series. Just attach the U1117A Bluetooth adapter to the IR port of your Keysight handheld meter and download the complimentary Keysight Meter and Keysight Logger applications to your iOS or Android smart device. You’ll get to view measurements on your iOS or Android smart device wirelessly and remoy via Bluetooth technology. It's that easy!

If you are using the U1115A remote logging display, the U1117A IR-to-Bluetooth adapter allows you to safely measure, view and log test measurements with an extended range of up to 100 meters.

The Keysight Meter allows iOS or Android based smart devices to connect and control up to three handheld meters and view measurements from each connected handheld meter simultaneously.

The Keysight Logger lets you log data and it will provide trending graphs from as many as three handheld digital meters.

Click here to download the apps now!

Alternatively data logging and monitoring can also be performed with Keysight Handheld Meter Logger software using Windows based PC.

Side by Side Comparison

U1250 Series vs U1280 Series side-by-side comparison.

U1280 Series vs U1270 Series side by side comparison.


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