英文名字:Wright's stain solution
瑞氏染料是由堿性染料美藍(Methvlem blue)和酸性染料伊紅(Eostm Y)組成的復(fù)合染料,溶于甲醇 。伊紅通常為鈉鹽,有色部分為陰離子。美藍通常為氯鹽,有色部分為陽離子。甲醇的作用:一是溶解美藍和伊紅,使其解離為有色美藍正離子的和伊紅負離子。后兩者可以選擇性地吸附于血細胞內(nèi)的不同成分而使其著色;二是固定細胞形態(tài),加速染色反應(yīng),增強染色效果。
1、 涂片厚薄適宜,涂片干透后固定,否則細胞在染色過程中容易脫落。
2、 所加染液不能過少,以免蒸發(fā)而使染料沉淀。沖洗時間不能過久,以防脫色。
3、 染色對pH十分敏感,稀釋染液必須用緩沖液,沖洗用水應(yīng)接近中性,否則可能會導(dǎo)致細胞染色異常,形態(tài)難以識別,甚至錯誤。
4、 染色過淡可以復(fù)染,復(fù)染時應(yīng)先加緩沖液,然后加染液。染色過深可用流水沖洗或浸泡,也可用甲醇脫色。
瑞氏染液售后服務(wù)儲存條件:避光、干燥陰涼處封閉貯存,嚴禁與有毒、有害物品混放、混運。本品為非危險 產(chǎn)品可按一般化學(xué)品運輸,輕搬動輕放,防止日曬、雨淋!受熱、受潮、受光后易喪失活力,保存期短,因此貯存和運輸條件比較苛刻。
5'CAGGTG-3'. Capable of reversing CTBP1-mediated transcription repression. Component of a splicing-dependent multiprotein exon junction complex (EJC) deposited at splice junction on mRNAs. The EJC is a dynamic structure consisting of a few core proteins and several more peripheral nuclear and cytoplasmic associated factors that join the complex only transiently either during EJC assembly or during subsequent mRNA metabolism. Participates in the regulation of alternative pre-mRNA splicing. Associates to spliced mRNA within 60 nt upstream of the 5'-splice sites. Involved in the establishment and maintenance of epithelia cell-cell adhesion. Potential tumor suppressor for renal cell carcinoma.
Function : Transcriptional activator binding to the E-box 1 core sequence of the E-cadherin promoter gene; the core-binding sequence is 5'CAGGTG-3'. Capable of reversing CTBP1-mediated transcription repression. Component of a splicing-dependent multiprotein exon junction complex (EJC) deposited at splice junction on mRNAs. The EJC is a dynamic structure consisting of a few core proteins and several more peripheral nuclear and cytoplasmic associated factors that join the complex only transiently either during EJC assembly or during subsequent mRNA metabolism. Participates in the regulation of alternative pre-mRNA splicing. Associates to spliced mRNA within 60 nt upstream of the 5'-splice sites. Involved in the establishment and maintenance of epithelia cell-cell adhesion. Potential tumor suppressor for renal cell carcinoma.
Subunit : Found in a mRNA splicing-dependent exon junction complex (EJC), at least composed of ACIN1, C3, EIF4A3, MAGOH, PNN, RBM8A, RNPS1, SAP18 and ALYREF/THOC4. Found in a complex with SR proteins. Found in a mRNP CFN92644 http://www.chemfaces。。com/natural/Ginsenoside-Rk1-CFN92644.html C42H70O12 767.0 494753-69-4 Ginsenoside Rk2 Triterpenoids > 98% 10mg
CFN92655 http://www.chemfaces。。com/natural/Methyl-2-6-dihydroxybenzoate-CFN92655.html C8H8O4 168.2 2150-45-0 Methyl 2,6-dihydroxybenzoate Phenols > 98% 100mg
CFN92661 http://www.chemfaces。。com/natural/Flavokawain-B-CFN92661.html C17H16O4 284.3 1775-97-9 Flavokawain B Chalcones > 95% 10mg
CFN90555 http://www.chemfaces。。com/natural/Pogostone-CFN90555.html C12H16O4 224.26 23800-56-8 Pogostone Miscellaneous > 98% 20mg
CFN92688 http://www.chemfaces。。com/natural/Terpineol-350-CFN92688.html C10H18O 154.3 98-55-5 Terpineol Monoterpenoids > 98% 20mg
CFN92707 http://www.chemfaces。。com/natural/Benzeneacetic-acid--4-hydroxy---methyl-ester-CFN92707.html C9H10O3 166.2 14199-15-6 Methyl 4-Hydroxyphenylacetate Phenols > 98% 100mg
CFN92712 http://www.chemfaces。。com/natural/Marmesin-CFN92712.html C14H14O4 246.3 13710-70-8 Marmesin Coumarins > 98% 10mg
CFN90549 http://www.chemfaces。。com/natural/4-4-Methylenediphenol-CFN90549.html 瑞氏染液售后服務(wù)C13H12O2 200.23 620-92-8 4,4'-Methylenediphenol Phenols >=99% 20mg
CFN92765 http://www.chemfaces。。com/natural/Ethyl-vanillate-CFN92765.html C10H12O7 196.2 617-05-0 Ethyl vanillate Phenols > 98% 100mg