dNTP 溶液 ( 標記 )0.5mL價格公司提供的RNA/DNA 提取產品齊全,*,質量保證,歡迎廣大科研用戶訂購!
dNTP 溶液 ( 標記 )0.5mL?價格的詳細介紹:
dNTP 溶液 ( 標記 )0.5mL?價格公司的產品目前有下面10個系列,5000余種產品
dNTP 溶液 ( 標記 )0.5mL?價格
1 柱式DNA提取系列產品
2 柱式RNA提取系列(包括動物,血液,植物,細菌RNA提?。?br />3 5分鐘超快DNA電泳液
4 一步式質粒DNA提取系列產品
5 “綠如藍”DNA染料
6 固相RNase清除劑
KCNE1L 鉀離子通道蛋白家族成員1樣蛋白試劑盒
KCNE2 鉀離子通道蛋白家族成員2試劑盒
KCNJ5 G蛋白激活內向鉀通道5試劑盒
KCTD12 鉀離子通道多聚體結構域蛋白12試劑盒
KMT6 抑癌蛋白EZH2試劑盒
Ku-70 DNA修復酶Ku70試劑盒
Ku-80 DNA修復酶Ku-80試劑盒
C14orf106 14號染色體開放閱讀框106試劑盒
KNDC1 腦蛋白9試劑盒
KChIP2 鉀通道相互作用蛋白2試劑盒
Katanin p60 A1 劍蛋白p60亞基A1試劑盒
Kazrin Kazrin蛋白試劑盒
KCTD8 鉀離子通道多聚體結構域蛋白8試劑盒
Phospho-KSR1 磷酸化Ras信號轉導KSR1蛋白試劑盒
Ketamine 試劑盒
KLK7 *7試劑盒
KLK9 *9試劑盒
KLK14 *14試劑盒
neurons, is expressed at elevated levels by developing or regenerating neurons during axon growth. While GAP-43 is an integral membrane protein associated with the cytoplasmic surface of axonal growth cones (and synapses), it is absent from dendritic growth cones. In adult brain, GAP-43 is found in high concentration in presynaptic areas where memory formation is thought to occur, such as frontal cortex, limbic system and hippocampus. Phosphorylation of GAP-43 by PKC (at Ser41 on human, mouse, rat, and bovine GAP-43 or Ser42 on chicken and Xenopus GAP-43) is specifically correlated with certain forms of synaptic plasticity.
dNTP 溶液 ( 標記 )0.5mL?價格Function : This protein is associated with nerve growth. It is a major component of the motile 'growth cones' that form the tips of elongating axons. Plays a role in axonal and dendritic filopodia induction.
Subunit : Identified in a complex containing